The Unseen WorldThe Unseen World by Liz Moore (author of Heft)
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Liz Moore’s The Unseen World is fascinating on so many levels. It has the depth of character of solid contemporary fiction, the fast pace and intrigue of a good mystery, and the sophisticated concept of refined speculative sci-fi.

It follows Ada Sibelius; a girl lab-schooled by her scientist father until his eventual decline into Alzheimer’s. As his memory fades, the mystery of his true identity pushes Ada through a surreal, lifelong quest in search of herself, her father, and the bond they maintain across platforms.

More than just a clever story, Moore demonstrates a spectacular knowledge of different eras in American history, and she ties them together immaculately. The end result is an expertly-crafted novel about the nuances of a connected life.

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